
20 years young!

HA! So I'm finally 20...

It's been almost two months since my last blog and thinking back on the feelings and thoughts I had writing THAT exact blog, made me realize how much can change with a blink of an eye.

One day I'm laying in bed crying about how life will ever be the same without my wisdom teeth, and next thing you know I'm sitting down trying to figure out how I'm going to spend the next 5 years of my life.

It's crazy how one minute everything can seem so safe and simple. You go through life waiting for that slow transition where you wait and wonder when people around you will start considering you "an adult". But one day.. it'll hit you faster then you can find words to admit it "oh wait one fucking minute, i am an adult". I think very few of us are prepared to face the harsh reality that we're mother fuckin grooown! And some people may say "you're 20, you're still young".. but really I think a huuuggeee chunk of all the most important decisions you'll ever make are in your 20's and that's when life really needs you to smarten up and be "a grown up".

I've been planning and thinking about huge life changing decisions lately. I scare myself sometimes and I feel so foolish for thinking ahead so early.. it makes me wanna crawl back into my comfort zone and keep telling myself, "I'm young I'm young". And it's true, 20 is considered baby years compared to the rest of your life.

I'm not sure what point I'm trying ot get across or if I'm trying to convince myself I"m not crazy for making such big decisions at 20, but bottom line is..

when life decides to give you a shitload of lemons all at once.. don't sit around and let them rot because "you don't feel you're ready" get fucking squeezing! does that make sense? (lol) cuz it does to me! :)

Nothing is certain, I'm being smart about it, and I'm taking my time but forreal...
5 year plan in full effect.. hate it, support it, I'm on it! :)

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